Defib 247

Defib 247 is a global campaign aimed at increasing public awareness about how PADs (Public Access Defibrillation sites), which contain an AED (Automatic External Defibrillator) can make a difference in the survival rate of Sudden Cardiac Arrest (SCA).

Our goal is to double the survival rate of SCA by 2030.

The Problem

Sudden Cardiac Arrest affects us all. And it doesn't matter whether you are young or old. Despite CPR and 911, the odds of surviving SCA are worse than winning in Las Vegas. Current survival rate remains at the most a dismal 7%.

Studies have shown that the use of an AED within 5 minutes can make a major difference in survival rates. Unfortunately paramedics are usually not at the scene 'within 5'.

PADs (Public Access Defibrillation sites), which contain an AED (Automatic External Defibrillator), have become more widespread and are LOCated at most large public venues including shopping malls, gyms, sporting events and many more.

But, surprisingly most cities and public health systems including EMS are unaware of the exact LOCation of the PADs in their community! Then again, almost everyone doesn't even know what a PAD is.

Studies have shown that the use of an AED within 5 minutes can make a major difference in survival rates.

Save A Life

You Can Make A Difference...

Identify where the PADs are in your respective community and place them in mobile apps such as AED Registry and PulsePoint.

Increase PAD numbers - What if PADs were located at 24-7 locations such as gas stations or convenience stores?

Tell your neighbours, family and friends!

Surprisingly most cities and public health systems are unaware of the exact location of the PADs in their community!

Join Us

The Defib 247 campaign is timely because of the proliferation of easy to use mobile apps and AEDs. But, we can't do it without you.

If you or your organization are already making a difference or are interested in helping us jump start this initiative, please contact us.

Defib 247 is an evolving consortium of vendors, sellers, apps, national health systems and 24-7 organizations and is provided as a public service by

Our Champions